Publisher growth tactics for election season | WEBINAR
Do you want to crack the code on what it takes to be successful in digital publishing? Are you passionate to grow your digital publication? The Digital Publishers Report tracks the publishing practices of digital publishers, allowing you to benchmark your site’s performance and understand technological trends in the industry.
By State of Digital Publishing and Small Business Trends
With revenue from branded digital content to grow three fold by 2021, and digital ad rates on the rise according to multiple sources, this report highlights the critical success factors you need to know.
The Digital Publishers Report tracks the publishing practices of a representative sample (“Tracking Group”) of 100 digital publishers.
The benchmarks and data in this report are provided as a resource for digital website publishers. By understanding the best practices of their peers, digital publishers are better positioned to consider improvements and adjustments to their own sites.
The goal of this Report is to present information that website publishers can refer to when deciding on matters such as:
site enhancements
technology choices
monetization techniques
content strategies
audience development
social media strategies
search engine strategies
This Volume 1 – 2019 Report is the inaugural report on this topic. Each quarter we will update the information, and add additional benchmarking factors, sites and best practices to track.
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